Thursday, November 15, 2007

Co-Director Angela Crawford's Wiki Wonderland

Angie Crawford, MBWP co-director, tech team member, and English teacher at Spanish Fort High School has taken our summer institute tech focus and run with it. In addition to using Google Docs, and finding a home for my Art Talk wiki, Angie has developed her own wiki,, which is fast becoming an integral part of her classroom. Angie claims that "her students love it" and she is constantly searching for ways to maximize its use.
Angie integrates art and music within this digital learning collaborative (and of course I also value these capabilitites). I agree with Angie who expressed "it's fun for me too." So Angie has definitely crossed over to the wonderful world of being a digital teacher/learner!
I'm really looking forward to Angie's research goal of surveying her students to see how much the wiki improved their engagement in the curriculum. Her anecdotal observations indicate that students enjoy"playing" on the wiki and may "accidentally" be more apt to do homework or engage with the curriculum because they ARE digital learners.